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Trip Report
Hiking the Andes in Peru
Enjoying the spectacular landscape of the Andes Peru and going up to 4750m on the Santa Cruz Treck - one of the best hikes in Peru.
South AmericaPeru10 days / November 2022
Highs & Lows
Actually making it to Punta Union (4500m).
No matter how physically fit you are, it's a challenge.
Itinerary Overview
I travelled to Huaraz with the intention to hike as much as possible. It's located right in the Andes, so even while being in the city you have great vistas from rooftops on to sunsets on the surrounding mountains - make sure you don't miss one of them. At 3052m above sealevel Huaraz itself lays pretty high already, you will feel that immediatly - even walking up small hills. So it really is very important to give yourself some time to acclimatise. Stay in the city for a few days and then slowly start hiking in relatively low altitude to get your body used to it. Great destinations to do so are for example: Laguna Churup, Laguna 69 and Mirador Rataquenua. There is so much nature to explore it will be hard to choose. After I felt ready for the challenge I booked a guided tour of the Santa Cruz Treck - and spent the next days in undescribably beautiful landscapes in absolute solitude.

Huaraz Outdoors, cozy Cafés and adventures of any kind!
Huaraz - a small town in the middle of the Corderilla Blanca, part of the Andes. The city was almost completely destroyed in an earthquake and rebuilt. Not very pretty, but the people and surroundings more than make up for it - because Huaraz is a mecca for trekking and climbing. Here, everyone comes together who has a heart for the mountains.
Every day I took the combi up into the mountains for a hike. To Laguna Churup, Laguna 69, Mirador Rataquenua... In the middle of nowhere in the mountains live remote farmers and sheep farmers, who work in traditional colorful clothes and huge hats and grin at me curiously already in 200m distance. It's hard for me to describe how all this has shaped me. The nature and the people in the Andes are something very special. May it forever remain such an authentic and inspiring place!
Definately check out Café Andino, with its fire oven and 1/2 liter café for a few cents, it quickly became a meeting spot where you could always find someone you knew, have a chat and plan your next adventure.

Santa Cruz Trek - 4 days / 3 Nights If you love moving in the outdoors and seeing spectacular landscapes and stars in the sky, this is for you
I am so excited about the Santa Cruz Trek - with its spectacular landscapes, high passes and deep blue lagoons. It was organized by Jehsús through his agency Galaxie. The whole thing was very luxurious with 2 donkeys carrying the tents, a cook and a "donkey driver" who took care of the donkeys. During your hikes he is very open to teach you a lot about the culture in Peru, corrupt politics, Quechua, but especially about the nature in the Cordillera Blanc. Pickup is at 4 a.m, you take a combi for about 5 hours to Colcabamba, where the tour starts. From here you hike to the first of many beautiful campsites. The next day we had the hardest trip ahead of us, up the Paso Punta Union at 4750m - make sure you acclimatise before! It was a crazy feeling to stand so high up and look out over the mountain ranges. The second night we slept in Taullipampa Camp. From there we went up to the base camp of the Alpamayo to the Laguna Arhuaycocha. Turquoise blue shimmered the lagoon at the end of a glacier tongue and brave souls get to jump in. The last night we spent in Llamacorral Camp, from which we descended to Cashapampa and made a detour to hot thermal springs. The shower before that has rarely felt so good!
Q & A
Restaurant recommendations?
Check out Cafe Andino in Huaraz! They have a fireplace, great coffe and food and really comfy armchairs. Staff and visitors have a lot of knowledge about the area, you will always find someone planning his next trip, happy to give advise.Packing tips?
Pack in layers and for every weather possible. Think hot sunshine, rain, ice cold weather and glaciers. Hiking shoes are a must,Booking details?
I can't reccomment Galaxie Agengy of Jehsús in Huaraz enough. He is experienced, kind and has the best staff.
Aldos Guesthouse - although not the cleanest I have ever been to - this is a great spot to meet other hikers with great common areas on the rooftop. Aldo can organise anything outdoors, from climbing to trails and hikes to glacier mountaineering.
Tents and sleepingbags, allprovided by Jehsús and his fantastic tour company Galaxie in Huaraz. (10/10)