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Trip Report
Pai - a serene retreat amidst mountains and scootering through Koh Phangan
4 weeks of enjoying nature, laying at the beach and learning how to cook traditional thai dishes in a vegetarian way
AsiaThailand28 days / September 2022
Highs & Lows
The Pat Thai and Khao Soi Curry shouldn‘t be missed
The weather was really nice and warm just a bit rain sometimes because it was raining season
Itinerary Overview

Ko Pha Ngan Koh Phangan: A Tranquil Island Paradise with Stunning Beaches and Hidden Gems
Koh From Bangkok we took the plane to Koh Samui and than a boat to Koh Phangan. It wasnt so touristic at the time that we arrived because it was raining season, so not the prime season. We really enjoyed that it wasnt so full with tourists and Parties. But in the summer season its really full and there are a lot of parties like the famous fullmoon party.
You should defenitely rent a scooter and explore the island and go to the beautiful paradies waterfalls. But take care and drive slow. :) There are many activities to do in Koh Phangan like different healing and yoga places, beaches, bars, markets, the dome sauna in the mountains and a lot of nice shops and markets. There are a lot of fancy cafés and restaurants which have similar prices to Europe but also a lot of local places which are way cheaper and they have the most delicious food. You shouldnt miss the Zen beach, there are drumming circles twice a week with a lo of people and a amazing vibe.

Pai Relaxed and beautiful place in nature, good food and spiritual activities
In the evening we took the nightbus from Bangok and it took us around 13 hours to get to Pai and arrived there in the morning. We went to our first accomandatiom, the Good life Dacha . They offered a lot of different activities like esctatic dance, breath work, ice bathing and yoga. We did a breath work and ice bath session there and we liked it a lot.
We also found the Paina Paita home shop and it turned out that there is a little beautiful restaurant and accomandation behind the shop as well. We absolutely fell in love with this place. The owner of the Paina Paita is a amazing woman who is doing everything on her own and she is also giving cooking classes in English. We did it and cooked the most delicious traditional dishes in a vegetarian way.
For vegetarian and vegan food I can highly recommend the Earth tone, Organic farm and café and of course Paina Paita. We also went to the beautiful sunset spot, its a bit outside from Pai so its faster to rent a scooter. At the weekend we went to the night market on the main street of Pai. There you can buy a lot of different dishes, jewerly, art and clothes.
Q & A
What would you have changed?
I wouldnt have changed anything. We‘ve been there in the raining season and I was a bit afraid if if would rain a big too much but it was totally fine and we really enjoyed that there haven‘t been so many tourists like in the summer season.Anything go wrong during the trip?
No :)Restaurant recommendations?
Seetanu Bungalow, super nice, cheap and close to the beach Bamboo Bay, really beautiful bamboo houses close to the beach and a really good café called Orion café Santhiya Resort&Spa, it was way more expensive and on the other side of the island, but it was really worth it, we had our own pool, amazing breakfast and a view to the sea and the most beautiful nature around us
Good life Dacha is a really cool place to stay. Its quite cheap and you have your own little room. The air in our room was really wet and smelled not so not so good. Thats the only negative thing. to say. They offer a lot of activities like ecstatic dance, yoga, breath work and many other things there. We joined a breath work and a ice bath session there and we loved it. Paina Paita was one of the most beautiful places where we‘ve been in Thailand. Its a bit more expensive for bagbackers but it was really worth it. It was like a little farm with a lot of trees, a beautiul view, three cute dogs and everything was beautifully decorated.